Start Event Name Locations Participants
Fri 8
All Day SE ACSI Spelling Bee Frederickson EL/Elementary Frederickson Elementary Students
TBD HS Varsity Wrestling @ Regional Tournament To Be Determined Wrestling Boys Varsity
8:30 am TE PfC Ldrs Mtg Tacoma EL/Elementary Tacoma Elementary Faculty/Staff
Tacoma Elementary PfC
3:00 pm HS Girls Basketball Vs Foster JV 3:00/Varsity 6:00 CC High School Basketball Girls Varsity
Foster HS
4:30 pm HS Boys Basketball Vs Foster JV 4:30/Varsity 7:30 CC High School Basketball Boys Varsity
Foster HS
7:00 pm Pep Band Night CC High School
CC Junior High
All District
9:00 pm Basketball After Game Pizza CC High School
JH/HS PAC "Forum Deo Gloria"
Athletic Department
Basketball Boys Varsity
Basketball Girls Varsity
Sat 9
All Day HS Varsity Wrestling @ Regional Tournament To Be Determined Wrestling Boys Varsity
8:30 am Elementary Basketball League HS Gym Elementary Basketball
Sun 10
3:00 pm NBC Camps Hosted By CCS - Varsity Academy CC High School
HS Gym
CC Junior High
HS Students
JH Students
Mon 11  
Tue 12
7:45 am TE Staff Devotions Tacoma EL/Elementary Tacoma Elementary Faculty/Staff
8:45 am TE Chapel Tacoma EL/Elementary Tacoma Elementary Faculty/Staff
Tacoma Elementary PfC
Tacoma Elementary Students
9:00 am Auction Committee Mtg. CCS District Office All District
Development Department
10:30 am SE Chapel Frederickson EL/Elementary Frederickson Elementary Faculty/Staff
Frederickson Elementary Students
7:00 pm JSH PfC Meeting JH/HS PAC "Forum Deo Gloria" HS PfCC
7:00 pm SECC PfC Mtg Frederickson EL/Elementary Frederickson ELC PfC
Frederickson ELC Teachers/Staff
Wed 13
8:40 am PE Chapel Puyallup Elementary Puyallup Elementary Students
11:30 am SE Fun Lunch Frederickson EL/Elementary Frederickson Elementary Faculty/Staff
Frederickson Elementary Students
2:00 pm TE EAGLE/Honor Roll Assembly Tacoma EL/Elementary Tacoma Elementary Faculty/Staff
Tacoma Elementary PfC
4:00 pm Eat Out For Education @ Ram The Ram Restaurant @ Puyallup All District
Thu 14
7:45 am TE Staff Prayer Tacoma EL/Elementary Tacoma Elementary Faculty/Staff
Tacoma ELC Teachers/Staff
12:00 pm International Student Induction CC High School HS Students
CC Junior High
1:00 pm TE Grandparent Day Tacoma EL/Elementary Tacoma Elementary Faculty/Staff
Tacoma Elementary PfC
Tacoma Elementary Students
1:30 pm SE PfC Leaders/Support Mgrs Mtg Frederickson EL/Elementary Frederickson Elementary PfC
6:30 pm 7th Grade Valentines Reception CC Junior High JH 08
Leadership Academy
Fri 15
All Day SE ACSI Speech Meet Frederickson EL/Elementary Frederickson Elementary Students
TBD HS Wrestling @ State Championships Tacoma Dome Wrestling Boys Varsity
8:30 am TE/ECC PfC Mtg Tacoma EL/Elementary Tacoma Elementary Faculty/Staff
Tacoma Elementary PfC
Tacoma Elementary Students
Tacoma ELC PfC
Tacoma ELC Students
Tacoma ELC Teachers/Staff
Sat 16
All Day HS Wrestling @ State Championships Tacoma Dome Wrestling Boys Varsity
8:30 am Elementary Basketball League HS Gym Elementary Basketball