7-10 Cavalry Pre-Deployment Fair

Actual hours we are requesting facility is from 0800 until 1730 hours. This will allow us to cycle all of our unit Soldiers and Family Members through the event.
Available Times
Thursday, June 20th 2013
8:00 am - 5:30 pm
7-10 Cavalry Pre-Deployment Fair

This is the day of the pre-deployment fair. We expect to see a total of 450-500 Soldiers and/or Family Members total throughout the entire day. We will not exceed the max capacity of the building (room) as we have staggered our units time slots through the day. Each unit will have an hour to cycle through the event with a small cross over between units. We will ensure to remain below capacity. This event is to provide information to our Family Members and Soldiers for the pending deployment scheduled for early July. The intent is to empower our Family Members left behind and assist them in being more self reliant and resilient.

We will have representatives from ACS, JAG, CYSS, Chaplain, USO, and FRG (to name a few) at the event to provide information.

19 June is our set up day for the event and 20 June is the date of the event.