Date Start Name Time Start Time End Status
05/09/2022 (Mon) SIS PTA Spring Book Fair in front of garage (in tent) 9:00 am 2:30 pm Active
05/10/2022 (Tue) SIS PTA Spring Book Fair in front of garage (in tent) 9:00 am 2:30 pm Active
05/11/2022 (Wed) SIS PTA Spring Book Fair in front of garage (in tent) 9:00 am 2:30 pm Active
05/12/2022 (Thu) SIS PTA Spring Book Fair in front of garage (in tent) 9:00 am 2:30 pm Active
05/13/2022 (Fri) SIS PTA Spring Book Fair in front of garage (in tent) 9:00 am 2:30 pm Active