Start Event Name Locations Participants
Wed 1
1:10 pm ell program -- 102 &104 Somerset Elementary School ell testing
1:10 pm mandarin chinese -- 206 Somerset Elementary School mandarin chinese
1:10 pm math adventure -- wenjin li -- 121 Somerset Elementary School math adventure
1:10 pm math olympiad -- melissa stephens -- 124 Somerset Elementary School somerset math olympiad
1:10 pm moving with music -1/2 gym pe side prek-k-1 Somerset Elementary School dance plus
1:10 pm piano club -- library foyer Somerset Elementary School Somerset Elementary School
Community User
1:10 pm somerset early learning - 1/2 gym stage side Somerset Elementary School Somerset early learning
3:30 pm math olympiad -sherry zheng Somerset Elementary School somerset math olympiad
Thu 2
8:00 am chess - mr.mar -- eastside enrichment -- 102 Somerset Elementary School Somerset Elementary School
eastside enrichment
8:00 am howard mcomber - stage Somerset Elementary School howie mcomber
9:00 am 2-5th science, 4-4th write#1,216,206,104,102,conf. Somerset Elementary School Somerset Elementary School Grade 2
Somerset Elementary School Grade 4
9:30 am PTSA meeting - 1/2 gym stage side Somerset Elementary School Somerset Elementary School PTA
1:00 pm ell --102 -- dawn brastad Somerset Elementary School Somerset Elementary School Staff
3:30 pm painting & drawing -- 113 Somerset Elementary School Somerset Elementary School
eastisde enrichment/art
3:30 pm somerset early learning -- daycare -- 1/2 gym stage side Somerset Elementary School Somerset early learning
3:45 pm girls on the go --- williamson & mclean Somerset Elementary School Somerset Elementary School Faculty
3:45 pm girls on the go --- williamson & mclean Somerset Elementary School Somerset Elementary School Faculty
6:00 pm gs -- oshima 210 Somerset Elementary School Somerset Elementary School
Girl Scouts of Western WA
6:30 pm cb -- 104 and gym Somerset Elementary School Somerset Elementary School
cub scouts
Fri 3
4:30 am Washington State PTA convention Somerset Elementary School Somerset Elementary School
9:00 am 2-5 th science testing,216,206,104,102, conference Somerset Elementary School Somerset Elementary School Grade 5
1:00 pm ell --102 -- dawn brastad Somerset Elementary School Somerset Elementary School Staff
3:30 pm gs -clifford -- 102 Somerset Elementary School Somerset Elementary School
Girl Scouts of Western WA
3:30 pm gs -sy -104 Somerset Elementary School Somerset Elementary School
Girl Scouts of Western WA
3:30 pm karate- 1/2 gym pe side Somerset Elementary School Somerset Elementary School
eastside enrichment/karate
3:30 pm math --- e fong --- 121 Somerset Elementary School math adventure
3:30 pm math club --- homa hassan --- 114 Somerset Elementary School Somerset Elementary School Grade 5
Somerset Elementary School Grade 4
Somerset Elementary School Grade 3
3:30 pm somerset early learning -- daycare -- 1/2 gym stage side Somerset Elementary School Somerset early learning
7:00 pm volleyball -- 1/2 gym pe side Somerset Elementary School Somerset Elementary School Staff
Sat 4  
Sun 5  
Mon 6
9:00 am 2 - 4th reading test, 216, 206, 104 102 & conference Somerset Elementary School Somerset Elementary School Grade 4