Start Event Name Locations Participants
Thu 4
6:30 pm SKYAA Community Basketball JS Gym
CH Gym
SS Gym
SKYAA (community)
6:45 pm Kitsap Volleyball Club (community) SKHS Auxiliary Gym Kitsap Volleyball Club (Community)
Fri 5
All Day SKHS - Senior Class Last day of School SK High South Kitsap High School Events
SKHS Classified Staff
SKHS Certificated Staff
5:30 am AM Lap Swim SK Community Pool Community-Other (community)
11:00 am MR 5th Grade to JSMS Mullenix Ridge Elementary Mullenix Ridge School Events
12:00 pm Discovery Graduation Rehearsal Discovery / Madrona Heights Discovery School Events
2:00 pm JS - 8th Grade Formal JS Drama Room/Stage
JS Football Field
JS Practice Area in front of school
JS Softball Field
JS Wrestling Room
JS Commons
JS Library
JS Gym
JS Baseball Field
John Sedgwick School Events
3:00 pm CH Wyldlife CH Commons
CH Gym
Cedar Heights School Events
CH Office Staff
3:00 pm Discovery Boys and Girls Club Discovery / Madrona Heights Discovery School Events
Discovery / Madrona Heights
3:15 pm OH Continuing Strings OH Room 59 Orchard Heights Elementary
4:00 pm SKSLL MR Field (1) SK Southern Little League (community)
4:00 pm SKSLL MR Field (2) SK Southern Little League (community)
4:00 pm SKSLL SC Field (1) SK Southern Little League (community)
4:00 pm SKSLL JS Baseball Field SK Southern Little League (community)
4:00 pm SKSLL OL Field SK Southern Little League (community)
4:00 pm SKSLL BG Field SK Southern Little League (community)
4:00 pm SKWLL HC Baseball Field SK Western Little League (community)
4:00 pm SKWLL CH Softball Field SK Western Little League (community)
4:00 pm SKWLL CH Baseball Field
CH Track
SK Western Little League (community)
4:00 pm SKWLL SG Field (1)
SG Field (2)
SK Western Little League (community)
4:00 pm SKWLL CH Practice Field SK Western Little League (community)
4:00 pm SKWLL EPO Upper Field SK Western Little League (community)
5:00 pm SKELL MAN Field SK Eastern Little League (community)
5:00 pm SKELL EPO Lower Field SK Eastern Little League (community)
5:00 pm SK East OH Field #1 (A)
OH Field #1 (B)
OH Field #2 (C)
OH Field #2 (D)
SK Eastern Little League (community)
5:00 pm SKGSA Community Softball JS Softball Field SK Girls Softball Assoc. (community)
5:00 pm SKGSA Community Softball MW Softball Field SK Girls Softball Assoc. (community)
5:00 pm SK Soccer Club (community) HC Soccer Pitch (1)
HC Soccer Pitch (2)
SK Soccer Club (community)
5:30 pm SK Easter JS Baseball Field SK Eastern Little League (community)
5:30 pm SK Eastern Little League MW Baseball Field SK Eastern Little League (community)