Event Name Locations Participants
All Day
SKHS AP Testing SK High SKHS Classified Staff
SKHS Certificated Staff
SKHS IB Testing SK High SKHS Classified Staff
SKHS Certificated Staff
12:00 am
5:00 am
5:30 am
AM Lap Swim SK Community Pool Community-Other (community)
6:00 am
8:00 am
8:30 am  
8:35 am
OH Wheat Week Orchard Heights Elementary Orchard Heights 4th Grade Students
9:00 am
2:00 pm
2:30 pm  
2:40 pm
OH SBA TESTING Orchard Heights Elementary Orchard Heights Elementary
2:45 pm
CH Homework Club CH Library CH Office Staff
3:00 pm
CH Dance Team CH Commons CH Dance Team
CH Office Staff
SK Boys Basketball Open Gym SKHS Main Gym SKHS Boys Basketball
3:15 pm
OH Beginning Strings OH Room 59 Orchard Heights School Events
OH Girls on the Run OH Field #1 (A) Orchard Heights Elementary
3:30 pm  
4:00 pm
SKSLL Baseball BG Field
MR Field (1)
MR Field (2)
OL Field
SC Field (1)
SC Field (2)
SK Southern Little League (community)
Burley Glenwood Elementary
Mullenix Ridge Elementary
South Colby Elementary
SK Western Little League (Community) EPO Upper Field SK Western Little League (community)
4:30 pm
PSSC Swim Practice SK Community Pool Puget Sound Swim Club (Community)
SK Western Little League (Community) HC Baseball Field
SG Field (1)
SG Field (2)
SS Field (1)
SS Field (2)
CH Baseball Field
CH Upper Playing Field
CH Practice Field
SK Western Little League (community)
5:00 pm
SKELL Community Baseball MW Baseball Field SK Eastern Little League (community)
SKELL Community Baseball JS Baseball Field SK Eastern Little League (community)
SKELL Community Baseball EPO Lower Field
MAN Field
OH Field #1 (A)
OH Field #1 (B)
OH Field #2 (C)
OH Field #2 (D)
JS Practice Area in front of school
JS Football Field
SK Eastern Little League (community)
SKGSA Community Softball JS Softball Field SK Girls Softball Assoc. (community)
SKGSA Community Softball MW Softball Field SK Girls Softball Assoc. (community)
SK Soccer Club (community) MW Practice Area by road
MW Football/Track
SK Soccer Club (community)
SKYAA Community Basketball SKHS Main Gym SKYAA (community)
5:15 pm
SKYAA Community Basketball SC Gym
OH Gym
SKYAA (community)
South Colby Elementary
Manchester Elementary
Orchard Heights Elementary
5:25 pm
SKYAA Community Basketball HC Gym SKYAA (community)
Hidden Creek Elementary
5:30 pm
SK Volleyball SKHS Auxiliary Gym SK Volleyball (community)
5:55 pm
SKYAA Community Basketball EPO Gym
BG Gym
OL Gym
SS Gym (1)
SKYAA (community)
East Port Orchard Elementary
Burley Glenwood Elementary
Olalla Elementary
Sunnyslope Elementary
SKYAA Community Basketball MR Gym
MW Gym
SG Gym
SKYAA (community)
Mullenix Ridge School Events
Sidney Glen Staff
Marcus Whitman Middle School
6:00 pm
NW WA Wrestling Club (Community) SKHS Wrestling Room Northwest Washington Wrestling Club (community)
South Kitsap High School
SK Girls Tennis Banquet SKHS Commons Area South Kitsap High School Events
SKHS Girls Tennis
6:15 pm
SKYAA Basketball - Community CH Gym SKYAA (community)
Cedar Heights Middle School
6:30 pm
Lady Lakers Basketball ( Community ) SKHS Main Gym Lady Lakers Select Basketball Team
PM Lap Lanes SK Community Pool Community-Other (community)
SKYAA Community Basketball JS Gym SKYAA (community)
John Sedgwick Middle School
7:00 pm
Shallow Water Aerobics SK Community Pool Community-Other (community)
7:15 pm
Kitsap Volleyball Club (community) SKHS Auxiliary Gym Kitsap Select Volleyball Club (Community)
7:30 pm
11:30 pm