Start Event Name Locations Participants
Sun 1
12:00 am JH Extravaganza Reserve for Set-Up LLE Library
LLE Kitchen
LLE Courtyard
LLE Choir Room
Chan Auditorium
Junior High Faculty
Junior High Parents
Junior High Staff
Junior High Students
8:00 am HS Volleyball Clinic LLA - High School
LLA - Junior High
LLA - High School
High School Volleyball Varsity
5:00 pm JH Extravaganza Chan Auditorium
LLE Choir Room
LLE Courtyard
Junior High Faculty
Junior High Parents
Junior High Staff
Junior High Students
Mon 2
9:00 am LLE Kinder Grad Practice Chan Auditorium LLE - Kindergarten
11:50 am JH Drama Reward Trip A la minute LLA - Junior High
Junior High Students
2:40 pm LLE Kids' U Chan Auditorium
Kids U
5:15 pm HS Girls Volleyball Parent Meeting LLA - High School
SS Heritage Room
LLA - High School
High School Volleyball Frosh
High School Volleyball JV
High School Volleyball Varsity
6:15 pm DIGS Volleyball Practice Loma Linda Elementary Non-School Event
Tue 3
8:00 am HS Final Exams LLA - High School High School Student Association
9:00 am LLE Kinder Grad Practice Chan Auditorium LLE - Kindergarten
9:30 am LLE Third Grade End-of Year Swimming party Drayson Center LLA - Elementary
LLE - Grade 3
11:55 am Freshmen Officers Lunch HS Faculty Lounge High School Grade 9
12:45 pm JH House Party JH Multi-Purpose Room Junior High Faculty
Junior High Students
12:50 pm HS Journalism Rewards Trip Around Redlands Journalism
2:40 pm LLE Kids' U Chan Auditorium
Kids U
5:30 pm Year in Pictures/Potluck Dinner LLA - Elementary
LLE Choir Room
LLE Mrs. Pope's Class
Wed 4
8:00 am HS Final Exams LLA - High School High School Student Association
8:00 am JH Disneyland Reward Trip Disneyland Junior High Faculty
Junior High Parents
Junior High Staff
Junior High Students
9:00 am End of Year Pool Party Dr. Isaac's Home LLE Mrs. Pope's Class
9:00 am LLE Kinder Grad Practice Chan Auditorium LLE - Kindergarten
9:30 am 6th grade Roos Pool Party Around Loma Linda LLE Ms. Roos' Class
9:30 am End-of Year Swim Party LLA - Elementary LLA - Elementary
LLE - Grade 4
9:30 am LLE-1st grade Drayson Center Drayson Center LLE - Grade 1
10:00 am LLE 5th Grade Winchell's class pool party TBA LLA - Elementary
LLE - Grade 5
LLE Mrs. Winchell's Class
10:00 am LLE 6th grade end of the year pool party TBA LLE - Faculty
LLE - Grade 6
LLE Mrs. Christoffel's Class
LLE Mrs. Hubbard's Class
LLE Mrs. Richard's Class
LLE Ms. Roos' Class
10:00 am Pool Party - Swamidass Around Loma Linda LLA - Elementary
LLE - Grade 5
10:10 am LLE Mrs. Hubbard's end of the year party Skytown LLE Mrs. Hubbard's Class
10:30 am LLE 4th grade Party at Skytown Skytown LLA - Elementary
LLE Mrs. Cleveland's Class
2:40 pm LLE Kids' U Chan Auditorium
Kids U
6:30 pm LLE Kindergarten Graduation Chan Auditorium LLE - Kindergarten