Event Name Locations Participants
All Day  
12:00 am
7:00 am
7:30 am
SIS - YMCA Before-School Program SIS Gym
SIS Cafeteria
Somers Intermediate School
8:00 am
11:30 am
12:00 pm
SIS - YMCA After-School Program SIS Cafeteria SIS YMCA
Somers Intermediate School
12:30 pm
2:00 pm
2:30 pm
PES-Chess PES B-4 PES Parks & Rec
Primrose School
PES-KidzArt PES A-15 - Art Room PES Parks & Rec
Primrose School
PES - Scouts - Mrs. Zallo PES B-7 PES Boy Scouts
Primrose School
3:00 pm
Ath-Winter Track PES Large Gym SHS Cross Country JV
SHS Cross Country Varsity
SMS Community YMCA SMS Cafeteria SMS YMCA
Somers Middle School
SMS Drama Rehearsals & Production SMS Auditorium SMS Drama
3:30 pm
SIS - Destination Imagination Seller/Deirmenjien SIS Room B-8 SIS Destination Imagination
SIS - Hobby Quest - 4th Grade Great Room SIS 4th Grade Great Room SIS Parks & Recreation
Somers Intermediate School
SIS Brownies Kottmann/Cronin/Vargas - E-4 SIS Multi-Purpose Room SIS Girl Scouts
Somers Intermediate School
SIS Faculty Meeting - SIS Gym SIS Gym 1 SIS Faculty
SIS Girl Scouts Schleissmann SIS Room C-7 SIS Girl Scouts
Somers Intermediate School
4:00 pm
4:30 pm
5:00 pm
SHS Aud-Driver's Safety Program-7pm/PTSA Somers HS
SHS Auditorium
5:30 pm  
6:00 pm
PES - SYSO Basketball PES Gym (both) PES-SYSO
Primrose School
SHS Basketball/SYSO Somers HS
SHS Old Gym (both)
SYSO Basketball
Somers HS
SHS Commons-Softball Umpires Mtg/Hudson Valley Board of Officials Somers HS
SHS Commons
Hudson Valley Board of Officials
Somers HS
SIS - SYSO Basketball - SIS Gym SIS Gym SYSO Basketball
Somers Intermediate School
SMS SYSO Basketball SMS Gym SMS SYSO Basketball
6:30 pm
SMS BSA Leader Mtg. SMS Room 108
SMS Room 107
SMS Room 105
SMS Cafeteria
SMS Boy Scout Leaders
7:00 pm
SMS 8th Gr Wash DC Parent Mtg. SMS Auditorium SMS Parents
7:30 pm  
8:00 pm
SHS Basketball/SYSO Somers HS
SHS New Gym (both)
SYSO Basketball
Somers HS
8:30 pm
11:30 pm